The Bruce R. Vincent Memorial Trial is in the books…. we raised more money with fewer exhibitors this year!! Simply amazing the GotDog? Exhibitors are… they truly truly are….. from the time the trial starts to donating, to working, to cheering each other on, to cleaning up Sunday afternoon….. THEY ALL ROCK!!
We raised $577 with the raffle.
$211 came in thru direct donations
And GotDog gave $1 coupons to workers and the workers could either keep them or donate them back and for every ticket GotDog is giving to SCAF… $175
This total is $963
Keri Daun is donating $47 to bring it to an even $1000.
Marj Vincent is going to match the raffle money $1 for $1 so we have $1577 right now to send to SCAF!!!!
After I get all my expenses figured out I will see if GotDog can send more…..
Thanks again to EVERYONE for joining us in such a special memorial near and dear to my heart……